Pocatello, ID & Idaho Falls Visitor Center Mission

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I report to the Provo MTC (Missionary Training Center) in exactly 1 week from today! Boy, I never thought I'd be saying that one... but it's the truth, folks! This is NOT a drill, I repeat, THIS IS NOT A DRILL!

So when I first opened my call and read "Pocatello Idaho" I thought to myself... "Oops, TYPO! They spelled Paris wrong..."

I'm only kidding! I am so EXTREMELY excited to have the opportunity to serve in the Idaho Falls Visitors' Center as well as be in the Pocatello Idaho Mission. My mission is quite unique in that I get to experience the best of both worlds!

Honestly, if a magical crystal ball would have told me last year, "Brooklyn, you will be serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints next year"...I probably would have laughed because obviously the crystal ball was wrong...or maybe, just maybe, it was right. IMAGINE THAT. It's funny how things change, isn't it? The Lord sure does work in mysterious ways. People often wonder why I'm going to serve a mission and after telling my story ten million times I finally was able to narrow it down to this simple answer...

I love The Lord, I love this gospel, I love the temple, and I love my fellow brothers and sisters.

I get asked a lot if I'm scared to leave my family and life behind for the next 18 months. The answer is yes, absolutely, and maybe that's not what you all want to hear but I AM ONLY HUMAN. I guess the scariest part of this whole mission thing is the fear of the unknown. I know it's not going to be easy. In fact, it's probably going to be really really hard. But I know that the challenges and obstacles that I'm about to face will only make me stronger as a person and teach me what it means to truly love and serve the people around me. PLEASE HUMBLE ME, LORD. I NEED IT.

Every missionary wants to be successful, but what exactly is it that defines "success"? For me, I guess all that I could ever really hope for is to know that I did all that I could and put forth my best efforts. Even if I don't ultimately change the life of another, the simple fact that I tried will always be enough. Because that's what success really is, right? Being the absolute best Brooklyn that I can be. Whatever it takes, I'll do it!

Well, ladies and gents. Stay tuned for weekly updates!

The church is true... and here's to the next 18 months! CHEERS!

"Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work." (D&C 4:3)